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The philosophical workshop to diagnose collective and individual skills

The philosophical workshop is the central device allowing group work on the skills and attitudes of philosophical practice.

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Ad-hoc assignments

You can call on us if you find yourself in one of the following situations

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Courses to improve collective intelligence 

Reflective dialogue combines the openness of dialogue with the rigor of critical thinking, which makes it a particularly effective tool for developing collective intelligence or what can also be called the maturity of a group.

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Group personal development

All skills et attitudes are worked on during numerous exercises practiced in groups. The ideal number of participants is between 8 and 12 so that the skills can be worked on at best.


Reminder of the attitudes of the dialogue:

  • trust

  • to commit

  • laugh at yourself

  • be authentic

  • ask

  • to be present

  • to confront

  • understand emotions


Review of critical thinking skills:

  • To clarify

  • Identify problems

  • Conceptualize

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Dialogue skills workshops

Skills and attitudes workshops


Compete to work better together


There is an obvious relationship between the individualism that characterizes our society and the general distrust of our neighbor

(colleagues, bosses, neighbours) observed by observers in companies: the more one thinks for oneself, the less one puts oneself in the place of others. But putting oneself in the place of others is fundamental to understanding our neighbour, our colleague, our children. We can do it for the people we love so try to do it for others too, especially if we don't love them. In business we are not asked to like people but to understand them, to temporarily adopt their point of view. Thus we experience putting ourselves in the place of a client to find the arguments that will allow us to sell him something or of a competitor to guess his next strategic move. We can also try to put ourselves in the place of our boss, of our collaborator or of this colleague of whom we

beware like the plague. For this there is a simple and very effective way, invented by a certain Socrates more than 2500 years ago: confrontation through dialogue. In order not to fall into our subjective faults (prejudices and other cognitive biases), let us together submit to reason and invite our neighbor to confront us on this neutral ground, something "the best shared in the world" according to Descartes. We may not gain in friendship or comfort, but certainly in understanding and authenticity. For this, philosophical practice has a lot to teach us. So come and discover how to confront yourself and others for the good of reason and do

the experience of opening yourself up to the functioning of others. Well worth 1h30 of your time over breakfast, right?


Get to know each other better


Do you know your neighbours? Or rather: do you think you know them? But do you know yourself? Did you meet a long time ago? Funny question isn't it? Yet you will certainly be surprised at how much better others know you than yourself. And yet they never met you. Finally before today because it is precisely what I invite you to: meet. Like any encounter, it may surprise you, confuse you, annoy you, disappoint you, amuse you, destabilize you, excite you, delight you or excite you. What I promise you is that it will not make you indifferent. I will make you live the experience of philosophical dialogue to get to know each other better. You and your neighbor may not look at each other in the same way after this moment. To do this, we will meet around the question: "working together, is it being together?" .  No need to revise your baccalaureate courses. Come as you are, as they say at McDonald's.


Learn to question


Have you ever noticed that the questions we ask are most often the occasion for reactions rather than answers? Do you know the power of the question to make you present to others and learn to discover them?

  It is not only about the question but about the mental process that makes us find the "next good question to ask" in the face of any speech: it is a strategy of questioning that needs to be put in place in your daily life in order to open doors to the world and get to know us better. 

  You will discover what are the carrier questions, the rhetorical manipulation procedures to thwart, how to analyze if a question answers and if it brings arguments and concepts, what are the good attitudes to question and solicit answers relevant answers.


Learn to identify and solve problems


Can you see and tell the problems to others? Or are you afraid, like most of us? Do you know that as a human being you yourself are certainly a problem that deserves attention? 


An article from an American magazine ( said recently that most of the personal regrets of employees stem from the fact that they had not dared to say that there was "an elephant in the room" ("an elephant in the room") at some point during their career.

This means that out of fear (of being badly seen, of reprisals, of being excluded from the group, of judging others, of being taken for an idiot...) we prefer to ignore a problem which was so big that everyone seems to be fine with it. But have you ever thought about the fact that a problem was above all an opportunity to meet to discuss it, to cross-reference our perceptions and propose solutions? For example, if you want to start a discussion with your colleagues in an open space, cut off Internet access! Guaranteed effect.


Even if the problem affects a particular person, this is not a reason to avoid it: this person will surely be grateful to you for having told him about it in a reasoned and serene way. However, it turns out that the ability to identify a problem (of attitude, of argumentation, of logic, of ethics, etc.) is specifically a central skill in philosophical practice*. While posing so that the dialogue does not take an overly emotional turn.


Come and see how we can talk about all the problems together and even see ourselves as living problems...and rejoice over it.


Learn to argue


Come sharpen your argument during this breakfast! To argue is to give reasons that will come to support a proposition, an assertion. All arguments are not equal and that is why it is important in a discussion to be able to evaluate them: is it an argument of authority, subjective, practical, factual, moral? In addition, there are many faulty arguments (when an argument simply exists): incomplete, undifferentiated, false arguments, illogical, contradictory, tautological, weak, ad hominem...the range of argumentation errors is very wide and the Argumentation is a slippery slope for anyone who ventures to seek the truth. Especially since most of the time these errors are passed over in silence. Yet we feel good when an argument poses a problem without being able to formulate it clearly. And for good reason, no one likes to see their arguments dismantled.

This is why I invite you to learn with me about argumentation according to the principles of philosophical practice*.


Socratic questioning as a management tool


We will show you by example that philosophical questioning is one of the tools of philosophical practice that can transform your way of managing. To question is both to put oneself in the place of others and to set a level of requirements as to the response. It is therefore both to see things from the point of view of his interlocutor and to bring the dialogue back to the field of appeased reason by verifying how the answer answers the question. It seems obvious said like that, but you will see that in practice we spend our time dodging other people's questions for various

reasons, maintaining our intellectual comfort not being one of the least. Because others challenge us and it is a question of taking this questioning as an opportunity to reflect together and to take the measure of our common humanity, of our shared reason which transcends all the divisions existing elsewhere.   During this apéro-philo, in the company of your peer managers and HR managers, we will experiment with mutual questioning and show its impact at the individual and collective level, particularly in terms of meeting efficiency and maturity. teams.


  • Master your emotions to be more effective

  • Be authentic to lead better

  • Breathe life into your management   thanks to philosophical practice

  • Be present in all circumstances to face all

  • the situations

  • The philosophical interview for the HR function

  • Get to know yourself and others better



Managing by questioning or the philosophical manager


  • The power of the question

  • Rhetorical questions and genuine questions

  • Probing questions and positioning and engagement questions

  • Questioning to discover others, approaching and solving a problem, exploring a management situation

  • Attitudes to question in all serenity: authenticity, ignorance, confrontation, clarity, coherence, confidence, empathy

  • Listen, clarify and deepen the answers

  • Conduct a mutual questioning meeting to resolve team issues


Clarify and soothe your relationships with yourself and others through questioning (2 days)


Come and experience the art of questioning for a weekend thanks to philosophical practice*


Tool of dialogue par excellence, the question is central because it is the driving force of thought.   By asking a question, I focus my attention on others and I direct the course of the dialogue while placing a requirement on the discourse: I expect an answer to my question. However, we always have time to refuse or challenge the very terms of the question, which we do not fail to do out of laziness, fear, habit or suspicion that others want to harm us.


Yet if we lend ourselves to the game of the answer by taking charge of the question without reacting then we will have a unique opportunity to learn and develop our thinking. Little by little new questions will come to deepen the issues and self-knowledge.

Questioning others leads us to recognize our intention when we speak, and thereby allows us to identify the parasites of different kinds that generally encumber us. To ask a candid question we must first get rid of the prejudices and other presuppositions that overload our expression.

Often we even don't want to ask the question for fear of offending others. But we forget that he is able to tell us what is his problem, if that is the case.

Thus each question and answer is rather an opportunity to engage in a serene relationship by simplifying and clarifying our mind.

Two-day program to learn the art of questioning Here are the points we will cover during this weekend:

What's a good question?

Why is it difficult to question?

What are the wrong questions?

Why are we asking the wrong questions?

What is the impact of a question?

Reacting and bouncing back, is it responding?

What is an answer?

Why is it difficult to answer a good question?

What does questioning mean?

Who are the questions for?

Is silence better than a bad question?

How to have follow-up in his questions?


- Master your emotions with philosophical practice

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